Portrait Drawing
by Sandra Louie
(Clovis, CA, United States)
My Friend Sean
Ray the Visionary
Model from magazine
I started drawing for the first time in over 40 years. There was a portrait drawing class offered locally. I was intriqued, because it is very rare to find a class exclusively on portraits. So I enrolled. This is the first time I have had formal training.
The portrait of Sean is from a photograph, and is the fifth face I did outside of class assignments. I used a range of 2H, 2B, 6B, and 9B pencils.
Doug's Comments: Sandra, thank you for sharing your drawings. They're great! It looks like your portrait drawing class really paid off. Regarding Sean's drawing, you've captured a feeling, and you've worked very well with the pencils ... resulting in great textures. Over all, a very nice piece of work.