
Tarashankar Bannerjee - Draw Lifelike Pencil Portraits

by Bitan
(Kolkata,West Bengal,India)

A Novelist

A Novelist

A famous novelist of Bengal ... I was reading one his novels and thought of sketching him ...

Doug's Note: I like this drawing. It has character. I can almost see the artist at work when I look at this piece (and that's a good thing.)

Since I do like it, would you mind some contructive criticism from me? Notice the left side of the neck could be lightened up. That would improve the overall drawing.

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by: Samantha Garcia

Reading Doug Boomhower's comment I felt myself nodding along. I too like the drawing very much. I like that you were given the constructive criticism. I wonder if you did make changes?...but yes a really nice one!

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